The Office of the Principal

The Principal is responsible for managing the daily operations of the college as well as supervising services for both departments and students. The Principal manages departments, resources, administrative staff and other college resources. The principal develops and implements departments development programmes. The principal also develops and implements academic enhancement programmes for students.

The Principal


DR. Erasmus Norviewu-Mortty

The Principal, St Vincent College of Education, Yendi

Dr Erasmus Norviewu-Mortty is an exemplar of the type of highly-qualified, globally-concerned scholar, practitioner and citizen that Edith Cowan University produces – and a worthy recipient of the inaugural ECU International Alumni Award. Throughout his career, Dr Norviewu-Mortty has made significant contributions to education, on local, national and international levels. Awarded an ECU International Scholarship to undertake his PhD in Perth, Dr Norviewu-Mortty used his doctoral studies to address the issues facing the inconsistent standards of education in his home country of Ghana. His doctoral thesis, entitled Principals’ strategies for improving the academic achievement of students in disadvantaged rural junior high schools in Ghana.

He was a member of the three-Western Australia tertiary student delegation to the 2009 Australian Government Roundtable Conference on International Students in Canberra, contributing directly to the final communiqué.He was also appointed to the role of SOAR Ambassador within ECU’s Graduate Research School during his time as a PhD candidate. SOAR Ambassadors are among the most skilled research candidates in the university, and in this role Dr Norviewu-Mortty provided one-on-one mentoring and group support to fellow research students at the university.

Dr Norviewu-Mortty’s exemplary research was recognised by ECU when he was awarded the Lawrence McGrath Prize for outstanding scholarship. As Founder and Principal of St Vincent College of Education in Ghana, Dr Norviewu-Morttyhas used the knowledge he gained at ECU to contribute back to his home country– and, more broadly, to global knowledge in his area of expertise.

Former Principals